A history full of the courage to try the new and to think differently; not only to live passionately, but to make it a fundamental aspect of life. A history of strong women with a weakness for the beautiful things in life. A history of inherited passion, of people who carry the Dolce Vita in their blood; of the GIUS gene that leaps across the divide like a spark, pulsating, strong, inspiring, from generation to generation, from host to guest, from individual to individual.
“It is probably a family trait, this constant striving for little moments of happiness and the beautiful things that make life so sweet”. Gerda Gius and her daughters Vera and Mara exchange glances. Photos, slightly yellowed, lie before them on the table, showing a pretty pension with a large terrace that is dotted with umbrellas. Vera explains.
Today Gerda and her daughters Vera and Mara work together to guide their little GIUS brand world – GIUS La Residenza, GIUS La Diffusa, GIUS La Nonnaglück and GIUS Miniglück – to new holiday vistas. They love constantly applying their aesthetic sense to the redesigning and redeveloping of their daily working environment as they live the tourism concept they themselves have developed – 100%.